LENNIER (Played by Bill Mumy) was the ambassadorial aid to Delenn.
He was chosen fresh out of a Monastery, and is something of an innocent
abroad. He could be the only person on Babylon 5 who hasn’t a hidden agenda.
To him, Delenn is a very holy figure and would do anything for her.
He was a member of the Third Fain of Chudomo. Lennier left Babylon 5 in 2262 after Sheridan and Delenn married,
to become a Ranger.
TALIA WINTERS (Played by Andrea Thompson) was raised and trained by the Psi-Corps,
which means that they are her family. She has a level 5 psi rating, and is bound by the rules and regulations
of the Psi-Corps. She was assigned
to Babylon 5 2258, replacing Lyta Alexander, but was found to be a Psi-Corps
sleeper, designed to infiltrate and monitor Babylon 5. She later left in 2259.
VIR COTTO (Played by Stephen Furst) is the Centauri assistant to Londo
Mollari. He is first quite timid and
usually very unsure of himself. He
later becomes Ambassador to Babylon 5 when Londo is made Emperor of the Centauri
Republic, and then succeeds Londo as Emperor.
BESTER (Played by Walter Koenig) is a very high-ranking Psi Cop, with
powers in abundance. He is of an elite
unit of the Psi-Corps whose function is to track down any rogue telepaths.
He has a P12 psi rating, which is over twice as high as Talia Winters
rating. Bester has a wife and a daughter through a Psi-Corps genetic pairing.
It is said that Bester makes even the other Psi-Corps nervous.
He regularly visited Babylon 5, usually to do his dirty work.
MR. MORDEN was a member of the crew of the Icarus with Sheridan’s wife
Anna. Morden was presumed dead but
became an agent of the Shadows. He
was always accompanied by at least two of them, and it was he who showed them
Kosh’s quarters, so they could kill him.
He was severely injured in a thermonuclear explosion on Z’ha’dum, but
went to Centauri Prime to oversee some Shadow vessels. Londo later beheaded him, and it was carried
on a pike for all to see.